I'm Edmund W. I am an enthusiast of language and theater, and I seek to merge these passions in this blog.
About Me
I hold a Master's degree in linguistics. While I adore most branches of linguistics (*cough* except language acquisition *cough*), my expertise and truest love lies in phonology -- the study of sound patterns, syllable structure, and stress (yes, I have taken an entire grad-level class on stress, and yes, I like to make jokes about that often). One of my goals for this site is to apply my knowledge of linguistics to the language of poetry and, especially, theater. As such, I will not just conduct literary analysis of poetic and theatrical works, but I will in particular dive into the use of language in these works. Some of the articles and analyses I will post on this blog originated as research papers or other school projects and have been rewritten to appeal to laypeople. No linguistics knowledge is required to enjoy this blog, but an appreciation for the beauty of language and its patterns is essential. ​
Writing poetry, lyrics, and librettos has become my creative channel for my linguistics passion. Writing musicals and poetry is my main hobby, and I wish to share some pieces of my own work with you. Thus, this blog contains not just analyses of theater and poetry, but also original poems (and eventually plays) that I have written. My poetry is heavily influenced by my love of phonology; I define poetry as the manipulation of syntax and, especially, phonology, for the creation of art.